- Radio frequency sealing – The radio frequency waves generated by an optimally designed RF oscillator guarantees exceptional seal quality.
- No haemolysis of blood in the tube segments as radio frequency sealing heats only the tube and not the blood inside.
- Easy separation of tube segments after sealing.
- Produces a hermetic seal hence no contamination.
- Equipped with SMPS to withstand wide input voltage fluctuations. SMPS ensures that the output voltage remains constant at a set voltage irrespective of the input volt. Hence, the seal quality remains the same irrespective of voltage fluctuations.
- Easy to clean as the electrodes are easily accessible.
- Splash Guard – to protect user from any kind of blood splash during operations.
- Performance tested for more than 2 million continuous seals.
- Extended portable hand unit for convenient use.
- Automatic sealing triggering.
- No warm up time is required.
- Most compact model