Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health

Being mentally healthy can significantly impact our psychological, emotional, and social well-being. It directly affects how we feel and act on a daily basis. Mental health is a major factor when we make difficult choices, deal with stress, and relate to other people in our world.

Yet, mental health isn’t just something we can deal with once and then get over. It’s important in every stage of our life. From infancy all the way into adulthood — mental health is something we need to be cognizant of and handle with care.

Emotional Wellbeing is the most ignored factor in life and it is considered emotional people are weak people.

Our mental health is something that impacts our eating and sleeping habits and has a lot to do with our physical health as well. It is important to address our mental health needs, or oftentimes we will feel the impact of it in other areas of our health as well.”

Benefits of caring of mental health :

  • Improving our mood
  • Reducing our anxiety
  • Creating an enhanced sense of inner peace
  • Thinking more clearly
  • Improving our relationships
  • Increasing our self esteem

Throughout our lives, multiple individual, social and structural determinants may combine to protect or undermine our mental health and shift our position on the mental health continuum.

Individual psychological and biological factors such as emotional skills, substance use and genetics can make people more vulnerable to mental health problems.

Reshaping the determinants of mental health often requires action beyond the health sector, so promotion and prevention programs should involve the education, labor, justice, transport, environment, housing, and welfare sectors. The health sector can contribute significantly by embedding promotion and prevention efforts within health services; and by advocating, initiating, and, where appropriate, facilitating multisectoral collaboration and coordination.

WHO continues to work nationally and internationally – including in humanitarian settings – to provide governments and partners with the strategic leadership, evidence, tools and technical support to strengthen a collective response to mental health and enable a transformation towards better mental health for all. 

“Mental health is not a destination, but a process. It’s about how you drive and not where you are going.”-Noam Shpancer.

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