Health and Fitness!

Health and Fitness – The thing which is hated by most but required for all.

Exercise has a direct link to mental and physical health. If we observe our body deeply , we will find that it is supporting us in the best possible way at all times however at the end of the day it is a machine and like other machines, it also requires fueling and maintenance, Exercise and good food exactly does the same.

Exercise is indeed a gift to the body which we give only when it starts shouting in the form of poor health reports, Alas!

We need to think are we really a good master of our body?

Are we making the best use of our energy?

And are we even aware of what is happening to our body?

So exercise and healthy food will help you to keep a track and keep you fit.

Exercise release a hormone called Dopamine and Serotonin, also known as Happy hormones, so after exercising you feel good. Also regular cardio keeps your heart healthy. It keeps at bay, many health issues like obesity, BP, diabetes ,bone problems (as heavy weight people tend to get their bones weak) and most importantly Mental problems.

A good morning walk/jogging in sunlight will be a treat to your body. So start loving your body and in return body will love you the most. Exercise has nothing to do with form, you can do yoga, cardio, weight training, strength training, zumba, pilates ,sports just keeping your body physically active is important.

Todays lifestyle is more sedentary and stressful. When there is not strenght in the body , it will be able to work till 40s max, but what about life in 50s and 60s and more.It will be very difficult to survive and most importantly no body to take care ,as nuclear families with son/daughter settling in foreign countries parents are mostly left independant when they actually need dependancy.

Now stop imagining a filmy end of your life and start working on yourself.

Today’s pain will reduce your future pains. Start your day with a pretty smile and hardcore exercise.

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