Each and everyone matters

Each and everyone matters, each day counts in life , so having a fruitful day is a must. But is it possible to have all days good.? Can you feel healthy fit every day? ..not really.

So what will keep us going-Patience.

When we have patience with what we are doing everyday-in our office work, household chores , studies , exercise most importantly with oneself, we accept the day as it was and so that pressure of having good day automatically vanishes.


In this life , we alone cannot win the world, we need family by our side . Because mental health is directly linked to our home environment , so how we feel before leaving for work and how we feel once we are back, really matters a lot.

Having cordial relation with family members boost up the feel good environment -where we are heard , loved and cared for. Hence reduces the chances of deteriorating mental health. Also possibility of growth increases . Caring for each other is a basic need of human beings.(as the tiles say each and everyone matters) Smiling, hugging and sharing thoughts gives a feeling of togetherness, that helps the brain to feel protected.

Nuclear families are more likely to face problems as each of them is busy in their own struggles, having no time to interact. In joint families at least some or the other person was always available. This is something which is missing in metro cities , hence relying on outsiders to take care of our kids and oldies.

Caring for people has become business-So human connect with one another reduces. Emotional connection is becoming nil.

Time has come to take a positive step towards full integration of family in the care of the mental health to combat the ill effects of this changing world and make this world a happier and better place to live in!

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